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Tuesday, March 31, 2015
How to educate their children
1 spent half an hour and children exchange.
2 and the child should also use civilized language at home, "good morning, please, thank you, good night" and so on.
3 let the children develop the good habit of love health.canvas prints
4 listen to the voices of children! -- with patience, compassion, happy, the heart is with eyes! acrylic prints
5 not to remind the child, but always exposing children to scar.
6 serious point out mistakes!
7 don't always be poker-faced for children, and children have to laugh: because laughter can make children more love life; to guide the children active, relaxed and happy to see things.
8 stories to the children, have patience, have certain education significance story.
9 don't realize that not the ideal imposed on their children, want to let the child to achieve.
10 care for children but the appropriate time appropriate punishment is needed, don't care the child's short.
11 education is not necessarily just speak the truth, sometimes appropriate can take some tough measures.
12 combined with the child's behavior, think every day at least one question about the growth of children.
The 13 children's art education, cultivate children's elegant aesthetic attention, perceptual knowledge, enrich their guide, deepen children's in the nature of the emotional experience, is very useful.
14 for early childhood children, don't let them long time and their parents to live together, every generation is more dear, not conducive to education. Perhaps no scientific reason, but the absolute application.
15 pay attention to cultivate children's good heart. The ancients said: not to small to do this evil, not small and not good for.
16 the children of the church the smile, smile to the life of all, smiling face of life.
17 of children don't wish, commitment by all means to deliver.
18 often transposition thinking! Children do, think parents should often transposition thinking, if I was a child, what will I be?
19 give children a certain space and freedom, at the same time give a certain pressure and responsibility!
20 to explain to the children, he is already very cute, don't behave yourself.
21 never say children than other children poor.
22 never use abusive to punish children.
23 in children do, keep looking for laudable things.
24 don't scare children. So as to avoid the child too timid, timid.
25 don't criticism and ridicule the child, so as not to cause mental abnormalities, lose confidence, etc..
26 don't too tough for children. In order to avoid the children fear, shy to express their point of view, develop a wolf in character.
27 don't put too much praise children. In order to avoid the children develop bad habits "fish for fame".
28 do not imply that children do bad things. For example, the fight must fight back, do not give yourself something else to eat, do not travel tickets etc..
29 let the children correctly set up their idol.
After the child falls
I worked in a psychology books to read such a very interesting case analysis: a Americapsychologists to a guest at the home of China, owner of two year old baby in the living roomrunning, accidentally tripping over chairs, burst into tears. When the mother rushed over to pick up the child, and then hit the side of the chair by hand said: "baby don't cry, mother play the broken chair, mother play the broken chair." Psychologists see things can not help some suspicious, and after a while, she told the mother said: "never mind with the chair, he (the child) himself accidentally tripped over his own chair, is causing the result not chair is wrong, you should let him know, if that is what he had done wrong things the responsibility, should be made by his own fault.So after he grows up he will slowly understand in his relationship with the occurrence of this world,what is his responsibility."
Read here, do not know if you have what feeling, anyway, I feel not very good! Why? Not the responsibility of the chair said is right, because it is not possible to see the children run to like us who dodge. However, children have a responsibility? I think the children never responsibility, we can learn that the child was two years old from above, how can a two-year-old child he knew there were chairs will flash? He only know how to "play"! Play is the child's nature! We cannot becausethe child's fun and convicted of his sin. Apparently he is not responsible!
So who should be responsible? I think it should be parents! Although parents can not change the child and playful nature, but at least he can do three things, I personally think that these three points if the parents do, I dare say the impact on child's development is great!
The first point: in the range of children play in trying to make that harm or not conducive to children's articles out of the child! (but this does not go on for long, children always want to grow up, but also to be independent.)
Second: after the fall in child education he: "the child, when each step you take, you shouldconsider you go to this step, what will be the result."
The third point: to encourage himself up, from where fall from where climb up.
The three influence on children is great! First, it will make your child know they are not alone,because someone is silently love yourself! The child influence character by environment in this environment will make the children learn to love everyone around him. Also not in the parents old,because the cause or other reasons and solitary fell parents!
Second it will make your child more cautious walk every step of life, make him a cautious man! This is a great help in his life and career.
Third it will make your child will not be setbacks beat and out, on the contrary it will make your childwhere failure where to climb up, and overcome all difficulties. Instead of doing a will escape difficult people, but to make him a man of courage to overcome difficulties!
I believe that if parents do these three points, the child will fall? Will fear the fall? I think even if the child fell, he will not cry, but will smile, will with an innocent smile, and their own stood up anddusted himself lime, continue to move forward!
Parents! Try to do it, the benefits of so many, what is there against it?
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Can a working mum be as good at her job after maternity leave?
As anon as I absolved into my daughter’s bedchamber I knew she was ill. Rosie’s forehead was close and her little physique listless. Instinct told me she should break at home, yet in two hours I was due to account an actress. As a freelance announcer whose acceptability depends on reliability, I couldn’t cancel.
So I adequate Rosie’s countenance and apace deposited her at nursery afore her adolescent minders realised she shouldn’t be there. With a bond of all-overs in my stomach, I rushed to the account – abandoned to realise, with two account to spare, that I was at the amiss studio, on the amiss ancillary of town. The extra had to delay 30 account for me to arrive. Luckily she is a mother too, so added compassionate than most. But as we assuredly batten – my aberration so apparent that I arresting her name abominably – my adaptable vibrated endlessly in my handbag. I didn’t accept to attending to apperceive it was Rosie’s nursery calling.
Later that morning, as I cradled my feverish daughter, I sobbed tears of self-loathing – for accepting a behindhand mother who put her career afore her child, yes, but aswell for declining at my career.
That day flashed through my apperception afresh if I apprehend about a abstraction assuming that added alive mothers than anytime are trapped in an amaranthine aeon of guilt: activity they are bad mothers because they work, and bad advisers because they accept a family. The analysis begin that alive mothers absorb 25 per cent of their alive hours annoying – 5 hours a anniversary added than alive fathers. “This illustrates the bifold burden, the burden to be ‘good’ mothers and ‘good’ workers,” says Shira Offer, the abettor assistant who conducted the analysis at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University.
It’s advised unfeminist to accept we can’t cope, a betrayal of the avant-garde allegory that equates motherhood with invincibility. But the accuracy is I’m not as acceptable a announcer as I was afore I had my children, Rosie, three, and Felix, one. The bright career I already envisaged for myself is crumbling quicker than my daughter’s ablution crayons.
Dr Elle Boag, a amusing analyst at Birmingham City University, says that growing burden on alive mothers – both alien and centralized – contributes to a activity of intolerable stress. “We wish to prove we’re able of this bifold role that’s accepted of us, that we may accept babies but we can still be the best employee, about because we accept children, not in animosity of it. The burden comes from the media and society, but mostly it comes from ourselves.”
She’s right. Perversely, I am added apprenticed than ever, atrocious to appearance I am not authentic by motherhood. But my adeptness lags abaft my ambition. Post-children I am distracted, changeable and beneath confident. I am added decumbent to mistakes and generally counter-productively berserk in my admiration to succeed.
I don’t anticipate I’m alone. Surely no alive mother can be as competent in her career as she was pre-children – at atomic no alive mother who still wants to see her accouchement and doesn’t accept a house-husband or chambermaid nanny. On a applied level, we just don’t accept the time. Even on the four canicule of the anniversary if my accouchement are at nursery I absorb three hours a day accepting them up, washed, dressed and fed. At 6pm I’m fielding editors’ calls while angry the accouchement out of besmeared clothes and account bedtime stories. There is no “off” button in my academician that allows me to about-face from one role to another.
In a contempo interview, Stella McCartney was refreshingly aboveboard about this: “You’re account the bedtime adventure and al of a sudden you bethink a alarm you didn’t make. The abstraction that you can accept no activity alfresco of that one moment doesn’t accomplish faculty to me.”
Then there is the crushing burnout that comes with motherhood. It’s not just the burst beddy-bye but the concrete activity appropriate that makes me overlook even basal tasks.
And my accouchement are accordingly affected; if I’ve done a poor job I’m irritable, if I charge to accommodated a borderline I advance the iPad in their faces. But the accumulative abridgement of aplomb in both my mothering abilities and career is self-perpetuating.
Maybe if my accouchement are earlier it will feel easier. But I’m not sure. Rosie and Felix may be bigger able to attending afterwards themselves, yes, but they will charge acrimonious up from academy at 3pm. There will be arranged lunches to prepare, homework, academy holidays and boyhood all-overs to navigate. My acquaintance Nadia has five-year-old twins who accept just started school. “My alive day is badly bargain to 5 hours now,” she says. “Your career can never be the aforementioned afterwards kids. You can’t accomplish in the aforementioned way. Your priorities change, whether you like it or not.”
Nonetheless, there is a broadly captivated acceptance that motherhood improves our time management. In How To Be A Woman, Caitlin Moran argues that mothers are by attributes “superhumanly productive”, adding, “Give a new mother a sleeping adolescent for an hour, and she can accomplish 10 times added than a childless person.”
In a contempo account the UK adumbration childcare abbot (and alive mother) Lucy Powell said, “We are not sitting on Facebook or advancing in with a hangover. If we are alive we are on it – and authoritative the a lot of of every day, because if you are at home with ancestors you accept got to be on it every minute as well.”
But such cerebration distorts and romanticises the role of motherhood while blank the brainy anarchy brought on by exhaustion. “Whereas men can shut down and compartmentalise their work, relationships and children, women are active to multitask and acquisition it harder to about-face off emotions,” says therapist Marisa Peer. “It is genetic. Our accuracy are congenital differently.”
My bedmate Chris, a banking analyst, copes bigger than me. Of advance he does – his career hasn’t suffered. Because I’m the primary carer he can be at his board from 7am to 7pm. He goes away for business meetings. He’s a ablaze dad, but sometimes I feel resentful. My bacon may not be as top as his, but my job was no beneath harder fought for.
Why don’t alive fathers anguish in the way mothers do? Elle Boag believes it’s down to amusing conditioning. “Men are programmed to see their job as provider, so they don’t ache answerability if they’re not at home. Even as preschoolers accouchement apprentice that men – like Postman Pat and Fireman Sam – are the workers.”
I am advantageous to accept the advantage of abandonment work, but I can anticipate of annihilation worse. Not one of my alum accompany is a calm mother. Our careers didn’t appear by accident. They’re too adored to squander.
And accustomed that I accept been a mother for three years and a announcer for 13, it’s not hasty that my character is still as authentic by my career as it is by motherhood. Why would I go to abundant lengths to get a capital amount and action my way on to the career ladder, abandoned to accord it all up a decade later?
I, like added alive mothers of my generation, was set up to fail. The abstraction that we could “have it all” was a ambiguous fallacy.
And it’s a contempo one. In 1975 abandoned 40 per cent of mothers worked, compared with 67 per cent today. But we are bigger accomplished and added aggressive than our mothers’ bearing – for a lot of women, traveling aback to plan is now the barometer and a financially necessary.
Yes, cheaper and bigger childcare would help. Administration could do more, too, by acknowledging those accedence beneath the burden by alms adjustable hours that don’t arrest career development. We aswell charge to about-face albatross on to partners.
Most importantly, however, we accept to lower our expectations of ourselves and realise that, whether we like it or not, motherhood will affect our abeyant at work. We accept to apprentice to say no if we feel overwhelmed, and stop assault ourselves up if our efforts abatement abbreviate of perfection. We accept to be honest with our administration – and ourselves – about how abundant time we can allot to work.
We can’t apprehend to attempt with women who don’t accept accouchement or accomplish as able-bodied as we did pre-motherhood. It is artful and self-defeating to try. Accepting our limitations is the abandoned way we will accumulate our careers, our families and our acumen intact.
So I adequate Rosie’s countenance and apace deposited her at nursery afore her adolescent minders realised she shouldn’t be there. With a bond of all-overs in my stomach, I rushed to the account – abandoned to realise, with two account to spare, that I was at the amiss studio, on the amiss ancillary of town. The extra had to delay 30 account for me to arrive. Luckily she is a mother too, so added compassionate than most. But as we assuredly batten – my aberration so apparent that I arresting her name abominably – my adaptable vibrated endlessly in my handbag. I didn’t accept to attending to apperceive it was Rosie’s nursery calling.
Later that morning, as I cradled my feverish daughter, I sobbed tears of self-loathing – for accepting a behindhand mother who put her career afore her child, yes, but aswell for declining at my career.
That day flashed through my apperception afresh if I apprehend about a abstraction assuming that added alive mothers than anytime are trapped in an amaranthine aeon of guilt: activity they are bad mothers because they work, and bad advisers because they accept a family. The analysis begin that alive mothers absorb 25 per cent of their alive hours annoying – 5 hours a anniversary added than alive fathers. “This illustrates the bifold burden, the burden to be ‘good’ mothers and ‘good’ workers,” says Shira Offer, the abettor assistant who conducted the analysis at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University.
It’s advised unfeminist to accept we can’t cope, a betrayal of the avant-garde allegory that equates motherhood with invincibility. But the accuracy is I’m not as acceptable a announcer as I was afore I had my children, Rosie, three, and Felix, one. The bright career I already envisaged for myself is crumbling quicker than my daughter’s ablution crayons.
Dr Elle Boag, a amusing analyst at Birmingham City University, says that growing burden on alive mothers – both alien and centralized – contributes to a activity of intolerable stress. “We wish to prove we’re able of this bifold role that’s accepted of us, that we may accept babies but we can still be the best employee, about because we accept children, not in animosity of it. The burden comes from the media and society, but mostly it comes from ourselves.”
She’s right. Perversely, I am added apprenticed than ever, atrocious to appearance I am not authentic by motherhood. But my adeptness lags abaft my ambition. Post-children I am distracted, changeable and beneath confident. I am added decumbent to mistakes and generally counter-productively berserk in my admiration to succeed.
I don’t anticipate I’m alone. Surely no alive mother can be as competent in her career as she was pre-children – at atomic no alive mother who still wants to see her accouchement and doesn’t accept a house-husband or chambermaid nanny. On a applied level, we just don’t accept the time. Even on the four canicule of the anniversary if my accouchement are at nursery I absorb three hours a day accepting them up, washed, dressed and fed. At 6pm I’m fielding editors’ calls while angry the accouchement out of besmeared clothes and account bedtime stories. There is no “off” button in my academician that allows me to about-face from one role to another.
In a contempo interview, Stella McCartney was refreshingly aboveboard about this: “You’re account the bedtime adventure and al of a sudden you bethink a alarm you didn’t make. The abstraction that you can accept no activity alfresco of that one moment doesn’t accomplish faculty to me.”
Then there is the crushing burnout that comes with motherhood. It’s not just the burst beddy-bye but the concrete activity appropriate that makes me overlook even basal tasks.
And my accouchement are accordingly affected; if I’ve done a poor job I’m irritable, if I charge to accommodated a borderline I advance the iPad in their faces. But the accumulative abridgement of aplomb in both my mothering abilities and career is self-perpetuating.
Maybe if my accouchement are earlier it will feel easier. But I’m not sure. Rosie and Felix may be bigger able to attending afterwards themselves, yes, but they will charge acrimonious up from academy at 3pm. There will be arranged lunches to prepare, homework, academy holidays and boyhood all-overs to navigate. My acquaintance Nadia has five-year-old twins who accept just started school. “My alive day is badly bargain to 5 hours now,” she says. “Your career can never be the aforementioned afterwards kids. You can’t accomplish in the aforementioned way. Your priorities change, whether you like it or not.”
Nonetheless, there is a broadly captivated acceptance that motherhood improves our time management. In How To Be A Woman, Caitlin Moran argues that mothers are by attributes “superhumanly productive”, adding, “Give a new mother a sleeping adolescent for an hour, and she can accomplish 10 times added than a childless person.”
In a contempo account the UK adumbration childcare abbot (and alive mother) Lucy Powell said, “We are not sitting on Facebook or advancing in with a hangover. If we are alive we are on it – and authoritative the a lot of of every day, because if you are at home with ancestors you accept got to be on it every minute as well.”
But such cerebration distorts and romanticises the role of motherhood while blank the brainy anarchy brought on by exhaustion. “Whereas men can shut down and compartmentalise their work, relationships and children, women are active to multitask and acquisition it harder to about-face off emotions,” says therapist Marisa Peer. “It is genetic. Our accuracy are congenital differently.”
My bedmate Chris, a banking analyst, copes bigger than me. Of advance he does – his career hasn’t suffered. Because I’m the primary carer he can be at his board from 7am to 7pm. He goes away for business meetings. He’s a ablaze dad, but sometimes I feel resentful. My bacon may not be as top as his, but my job was no beneath harder fought for.
Why don’t alive fathers anguish in the way mothers do? Elle Boag believes it’s down to amusing conditioning. “Men are programmed to see their job as provider, so they don’t ache answerability if they’re not at home. Even as preschoolers accouchement apprentice that men – like Postman Pat and Fireman Sam – are the workers.”
I am advantageous to accept the advantage of abandonment work, but I can anticipate of annihilation worse. Not one of my alum accompany is a calm mother. Our careers didn’t appear by accident. They’re too adored to squander.
And accustomed that I accept been a mother for three years and a announcer for 13, it’s not hasty that my character is still as authentic by my career as it is by motherhood. Why would I go to abundant lengths to get a capital amount and action my way on to the career ladder, abandoned to accord it all up a decade later?
I, like added alive mothers of my generation, was set up to fail. The abstraction that we could “have it all” was a ambiguous fallacy.
And it’s a contempo one. In 1975 abandoned 40 per cent of mothers worked, compared with 67 per cent today. But we are bigger accomplished and added aggressive than our mothers’ bearing – for a lot of women, traveling aback to plan is now the barometer and a financially necessary.
Yes, cheaper and bigger childcare would help. Administration could do more, too, by acknowledging those accedence beneath the burden by alms adjustable hours that don’t arrest career development. We aswell charge to about-face albatross on to partners.
Most importantly, however, we accept to lower our expectations of ourselves and realise that, whether we like it or not, motherhood will affect our abeyant at work. We accept to apprentice to say no if we feel overwhelmed, and stop assault ourselves up if our efforts abatement abbreviate of perfection. We accept to be honest with our administration – and ourselves – about how abundant time we can allot to work.
We can’t apprehend to attempt with women who don’t accept accouchement or accomplish as able-bodied as we did pre-motherhood. It is artful and self-defeating to try. Accepting our limitations is the abandoned way we will accumulate our careers, our families and our acumen intact.
One of the most important things a new mum can do
What’s the a lot of important affair a new mum should do? For a lot of mums the antecedence account includes bloom checks and immunisations, beddy-bye patterns and feeding. Few would put their banking aegis beside the top of that list, but they should. Sure, the affair of affairs may not be as beautiful as a newborn, but with abounding women’s animate arrange alteration post-baby, budgetary affairs allegation absorption too.
What banking corruption looks like
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2011 about 50 per cent of women autonomous not to acknowledgment to plan afterwards the bearing of their child. Of those who did return, over 75 per cent formed part-time.
The accommodation to abate accord in the workforce is generally fabricated with the affecting bloom of the ancestors in mind; if they can allow to, couples may accede that it makes faculty for one getting to plan as the primary carer and for the added to plan as the primary earner. And while this adjustment makes faculty in the abbreviate to medium-term, there can be austere abiding banking implications for the primary carer (most acceptable the mother). Aside from the absence of a approved salary, superannuation contributions aswell yield a hit. So do accessory benefits, such as healthcare and allotment options. Continued time abroad from the workforce can aswell beggarly abrasion in accomplishment sets, aplomb and able networks.
This may not be apparent as an affair for abounding couples – a lot of will by itself appearance their banking and concrete assets as aggregate assets that will see them both through to old age. However, the actuality charcoal that about a third of all marriages will end in divorce, and for women afterwards banking independence, this can actualize huge problems.
Take the archetype of my acquaintance Sarah*. Ten years ago she was a acknowledged IT sales executive, and her bedmate formed continued hours as a chief accessory in a law firm. Afterwards accepting children, Sarah and her bedmate acquainted their careers compromised their adeptness to yield affliction of their children, so Sarah absitively to accord up plan to break at home.
Eight years later, Sarah and her bedmate separated. And now, while Sarah doesn’t affliction her time at home with the children, she wishes she had taken accomplish to aegis her finances.
“I didn’t see break as allotment of our future, so if it did appear I was blindsided,” she says. “I had no assets and no admission to cash. The breach was acerbic and my ex acclimated money as a agency to apply control.”
Sarah believes managing her own affairs would accept fabricated the break a lot easier. “Although it would accept been confronting, planning for the bearings would accept adored a lot of heartache,” she says.
The accessible aisle to banking adeptness is a abrupt acknowledgment to full-time application afterwards accepting children, but for many, full-time or even part-time plan is difficult. Caring for accouchement with appropriate needs, demography albatross for ageing parents or all-around a partner's plan agenda can accomplish workforce accord challenging. And that’s if the admiration to plan abroad from the home is even there on the mother’s part.
Despite the absence of paid work, there are still things women can do to defended their banking future.
Take allegation
When women footfall abroad from the workforce it’s important they yield allegation of their finances. Samiro Douglas, CEO of Wire, a Victorian-based women’s advice service, suggests that women yield an animate role in managing the ancestors finances. “Have approved conversations about affairs and ensure there is accuracy about banking arrangements. Be active to negativity appear requests for acknowledgment or collective buying in assets such as houses or cars,” she says.
In addition, Douglas suggests that families accede paying approved amounts into the woman’s absolute cool fund.
Douglas aswell feels it is important to allocution through plan and childcare arrangements. If there are barriers preventing women from working, she suggests searching at assorted options to see how ally can abutment anniversary other. “Maybe you can both plan four canicule a week, or conceivably continued ancestors can advice with childcare,” she says.
Consider a acknowledged acceding
It’s not just the affluent who should accede a prenuptial agreement. Franco Pomare , ancestors law specialist at The Norton Law Group, says prenups (or acknowledged agreements) can account accustomed couples too. “Legal agreements are an invaluable apparatus for affiliated couples or couples absent to marry. They advice focus couples on the absoluteness that a ample amount of marriages abort and that able safeguards should be put in abode to ensure no affair is disadvantaged by the relationship,” he says.
Pomare stresses that if a brace wish to accompany a acknowledged agreement, it’s account spending time and money on a able-bodied drafted contract. “Too abounding parties opt for a actual basal agreement. This has led to abounding agreements getting chaotic by the Ancestors Court,” he says. “Too often, women are disadvantaged by poor agreements that abort to baby for the cogent role they play in a relationship, decidedly while adopting children.”
Keep plan abilities current
An continued absence from the workforce doesn’t beggarly women become unemployable – if there’s a adventitious that plan will become an advantage in the future, it’s account befitting abilities up to date.
Emma Walsh, Managing Director at Mums @Work, believes there are affluence of means women can advance their amount to employers. “Stay beside of what abilities you allegation to be current, subscribe to industry specific newsletters, and affix with accordant groups and companies via amusing media sites. Look to do a few workshops that amend or aggrandize your accomplishment set,” she recommends.
Walsh recommends befitting able networks animate by blockage in blow with accomplished advisers and ex-colleagues. “If possible, go to contest abounding by humans from your network. They’re aswell a abundant way to accommodated new contacts and extend your network.”
Walsh aswell believes it’s important to accumulate CVs and web profiles up to date. “LinkedIn profiles are beheld by professionals and recruiters on a circadian base – 200 actor users are active up to the web’s better able network, with over 10 actor endorsements accustomed daily,” she says. “It’s a acceptable abstraction to accumulate your job cachet and responsibilities up to date and clue your accomplishments. You never apperceive who’s searching at your profile.”
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Ten breastfeeding tips
1. Eat a healthy, balanced diet during lactation to ensure that you get enough iron, protein and calcium.
2. To often feed, because this will help you keep your milk supply.
3. To provide the chest at each feed,, but wait until your baby seems to be completed before a switch. Symptoms may be the baby's breast or seems to be yet to come. Your breast is soft when is empty. Provide a breast to first make sure your baby gets nutrition milk in feed.
4. If your chest began to feel uncomfortable and fully encourage the baby to try to feed the gentle techniques like expansion, put on your bare chest where they will smell your milk. Your nipple touched their cheeks may also cause their interest in feeding. If you can't give your baby and then the most important thing is you don't overly full. On the one hand to express enough comfort, if you can support soon, or a good expression if you want to leave a period of time. This will ensure a good regular emptying of milk and the baby can also have your milk when you're not around.
5. You can express milk in a sealed container behind the refrigerator (not a door) for 3-5 days. In addition, the milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. For more information about breast milk storage time and.
6. If your chest is leaking, try to use breast pad to absorb the leakage of milk. Change pads frequently to avoid nipple becomes too wet, easy infection. Breastpads seldom wear waterproof. Don't let down through cross your arms, hands the pressure directly on the nipple to stop.
7. If your nipple pain, dry and / or rupture, positioning and baby lock may need to be revised. If it doesn't feel right, if the pain of it, and then the lock is not correct. Please get help from a lactation consultant.
8. Find a comfortable place to lie down, because this will give you a chance to rest. It is important to use all your needs are not in a hurry. Breastfeeding is a gift to give your baby, to give, so enjoy the time together, if you encounter difficulties, seek help. It has enough support to have a new mother.
9. Ask your partner's support, let them give you some water and snacks when you feed.
10. Get a good chair or the suckling pillow and create a feeding area, there are some magazines or books, so you can relax your feed.
2. To often feed, because this will help you keep your milk supply.
3. To provide the chest at each feed,, but wait until your baby seems to be completed before a switch. Symptoms may be the baby's breast or seems to be yet to come. Your breast is soft when is empty. Provide a breast to first make sure your baby gets nutrition milk in feed.
4. If your chest began to feel uncomfortable and fully encourage the baby to try to feed the gentle techniques like expansion, put on your bare chest where they will smell your milk. Your nipple touched their cheeks may also cause their interest in feeding. If you can't give your baby and then the most important thing is you don't overly full. On the one hand to express enough comfort, if you can support soon, or a good expression if you want to leave a period of time. This will ensure a good regular emptying of milk and the baby can also have your milk when you're not around.
5. You can express milk in a sealed container behind the refrigerator (not a door) for 3-5 days. In addition, the milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. For more information about breast milk storage time and.
6. If your chest is leaking, try to use breast pad to absorb the leakage of milk. Change pads frequently to avoid nipple becomes too wet, easy infection. Breastpads seldom wear waterproof. Don't let down through cross your arms, hands the pressure directly on the nipple to stop.
7. If your nipple pain, dry and / or rupture, positioning and baby lock may need to be revised. If it doesn't feel right, if the pain of it, and then the lock is not correct. Please get help from a lactation consultant.
8. Find a comfortable place to lie down, because this will give you a chance to rest. It is important to use all your needs are not in a hurry. Breastfeeding is a gift to give your baby, to give, so enjoy the time together, if you encounter difficulties, seek help. It has enough support to have a new mother.
9. Ask your partner's support, let them give you some water and snacks when you feed.
10. Get a good chair or the suckling pillow and create a feeding area, there are some magazines or books, so you can relax your feed.
Pregnancy and your blood type
"When I grow up, I want to grow up slinge, declared that" my three year old blue.
Slinge "? "I said, looking at him to put his hand in his hair in front of the part.
"Yes, it will be in my eyes, let me calm."
Hence the clues. He looked at his two brothers to the hair to Justin Bieber the terrible DOS, nevershave their fringe angle directly into their eyes. I'm bored in his familiar laughter and agree that slinge sounds like a wonderful idea.
I reminded my big boy doesn't correct his "slinge". I want to enjoy his strange. He will join the mainstream language and pronunciation of the final, they will, but at the same time, I think for his own personal interpretation. Like all my children to us.
I love children learn language. From the time when they are babies, we point out that every objectof the people all know, marking them. They are often not the same as the original version of the sound but we are very excited. We read countless books and songs to sing it again (I really wanted to sink the song curse you "boating"), there is a language swimming around our children's head.
If you grow up to be a young brothers and sisters in our home, do you have a brother sistermercilessly requirements from your language. My pretty boy speak earlier slinge ", I think this is his brother to him unless he absolutely no attention to express what he wanted.
"Spoon? You have to spoon? Said the spoon. Spooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn. I will pass it, "a brother will persist.
The young brothers and sisters will eventually form the text and a blowing nozzle... Only his younger brother added, "now please. Puhleeese! "
Cruel, perhaps, but the results he learned to speak very quickly.
Naturally, at different speeds learning all the children, what is the development of. Experts say 24 months between 18 word spray - which drought often seems to have broken, it started pouring out.Some children more preserved their language, to clarify a bit longer. Some get what they needwithout the use of words, with a gesture instead of (or, if no signs, my 16 month old screaming!).
Once they learn to talk, have certain obstacles, we usually confused or laugh.
My husband loves children slaughtered English, intoxicated in with the older children used toddlerwords. "Children, who want to eat at youngeroom yunch? "Everyone! Get your people and Jews(socks and shoes) on! "As expected, they roll their eyes and throughput.
We have various kinds of change, from the "helidatdoos" (helicopter) "odd heat engine" (fire trucks), "fingersnails" and "towches" (Sha Fa). And before the kiss is not complete "sceezy cuggle"(hard hug).
Soon, children can learn to speak good English. Embrace the lovely pronunciation errors, because soon, they developed a new vocabulary - which I call "twitface talk". As I have already adjusted to the children of my translation, when we enter tweenhood I will lose my eyes when a child what is called the "hair" and "LOL" I pretend to know what they are talking about.
Slinge "? "I said, looking at him to put his hand in his hair in front of the part.
"Yes, it will be in my eyes, let me calm."
Hence the clues. He looked at his two brothers to the hair to Justin Bieber the terrible DOS, nevershave their fringe angle directly into their eyes. I'm bored in his familiar laughter and agree that slinge sounds like a wonderful idea.
I reminded my big boy doesn't correct his "slinge". I want to enjoy his strange. He will join the mainstream language and pronunciation of the final, they will, but at the same time, I think for his own personal interpretation. Like all my children to us.
I love children learn language. From the time when they are babies, we point out that every objectof the people all know, marking them. They are often not the same as the original version of the sound but we are very excited. We read countless books and songs to sing it again (I really wanted to sink the song curse you "boating"), there is a language swimming around our children's head.
If you grow up to be a young brothers and sisters in our home, do you have a brother sistermercilessly requirements from your language. My pretty boy speak earlier slinge ", I think this is his brother to him unless he absolutely no attention to express what he wanted.
"Spoon? You have to spoon? Said the spoon. Spooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn. I will pass it, "a brother will persist.
The young brothers and sisters will eventually form the text and a blowing nozzle... Only his younger brother added, "now please. Puhleeese! "
Cruel, perhaps, but the results he learned to speak very quickly.
Naturally, at different speeds learning all the children, what is the development of. Experts say 24 months between 18 word spray - which drought often seems to have broken, it started pouring out.Some children more preserved their language, to clarify a bit longer. Some get what they needwithout the use of words, with a gesture instead of (or, if no signs, my 16 month old screaming!).
Once they learn to talk, have certain obstacles, we usually confused or laugh.
My husband loves children slaughtered English, intoxicated in with the older children used toddlerwords. "Children, who want to eat at youngeroom yunch? "Everyone! Get your people and Jews(socks and shoes) on! "As expected, they roll their eyes and throughput.
We have various kinds of change, from the "helidatdoos" (helicopter) "odd heat engine" (fire trucks), "fingersnails" and "towches" (Sha Fa). And before the kiss is not complete "sceezy cuggle"(hard hug).
Soon, children can learn to speak good English. Embrace the lovely pronunciation errors, because soon, they developed a new vocabulary - which I call "twitface talk". As I have already adjusted to the children of my translation, when we enter tweenhood I will lose my eyes when a child what is called the "hair" and "LOL" I pretend to know what they are talking about.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Hand washing can reduce the risk of allergic children
Washing can affect the probability of a child allergic to it? Sweden, a new study shows that the answer is yes. Swedish researchers found that those families of children suffering from hand washing allergies, asthma, eczema chance of significantly lower than children with a dishwasher at home.
From the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pediatric allergy research team in Sweden 1029 families of children were follow-up study, researchers surveyed parents washing habits, and children (most 8-year-old) whether eczema, hay fever, allergic asthma and other health problems. The study found the chance of washing dishes by hand allergic families with children 40% lower than using the dishwasher for families with children.
Health experts believe that the study "hygiene hypothesis" (hygiene hypothesis) provides reliable evidence that excessive clean environment children grow up more allergies and other immune system problems prone to. According to the hygiene hypothesis, if a child growing up in ultra-clean environment, he would never have immunity against bacteria and germs, so once they are exposure to allergens, the body will have an allergic reaction when. Through outdoor activity and those with pets and contact with a small amount of dust and bacteria child, but a stronger immune systems than those who had never come into contact with children bacteria.
Even very carefully cleaned the dishes, and dishwasher compared will leave more bacteria or food residue, which would have been sufficient to enhance the child's immune system to prevent allergies.
See here, whether you want to abandon the dishwasher out? But before you abandon your dishwasher, there are several factors to consider, the new study did not consider the economic situation of the participants and their parents allergies, but researchers have noticed, there are many other reasons children may cause allergies, such as the number of hand-washing families with children living in rural areas.
Prior studies have shown that children who grow up in rural areas, and often participate in outdoor activities is not easy to produce allergic children. In fact, whether regular contact with pets, or if often eat native purchased from rural areas, will also affect the incidence of allergies.
The researchers said they did not want to influence people in this study dishwashing way, but whether if you are hesitant to buy a dishwasher, but just another children's allergies and eczema worried problem, which may be a good reason to save money.
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Health experts believe that the study "hygiene hypothesis" (hygiene hypothesis) provides reliable evidence that excessive clean environment children grow up more allergies and other immune system problems prone to. According to the hygiene hypothesis, if a child growing up in ultra-clean environment, he would never have immunity against bacteria and germs, so once they are exposure to allergens, the body will have an allergic reaction when. Through outdoor activity and those with pets and contact with a small amount of dust and bacteria child, but a stronger immune systems than those who had never come into contact with children bacteria.
Even very carefully cleaned the dishes, and dishwasher compared will leave more bacteria or food residue, which would have been sufficient to enhance the child's immune system to prevent allergies.
See here, whether you want to abandon the dishwasher out? But before you abandon your dishwasher, there are several factors to consider, the new study did not consider the economic situation of the participants and their parents allergies, but researchers have noticed, there are many other reasons children may cause allergies, such as the number of hand-washing families with children living in rural areas.
Prior studies have shown that children who grow up in rural areas, and often participate in outdoor activities is not easy to produce allergic children. In fact, whether regular contact with pets, or if often eat native purchased from rural areas, will also affect the incidence of allergies.
The researchers said they did not want to influence people in this study dishwashing way, but whether if you are hesitant to buy a dishwasher, but just another children's allergies and eczema worried problem, which may be a good reason to save money.
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